Wednesday, December 21, 2011

How I am feeling today...

I added some sprinting intervals in between my moves yesterdays workout.  I liked it better than just standing around for 1-2 minutes... instead I sprinted and kept my heart rate up!  I cut the workout short, which NOW doesn't make me happy...

Today I tried to eat a footlong sub from Subway, thinking I was SUPER hungry... got through the first, and can barely eat the second half... I guess that is a good thing.  NO workout today, hockey game at 6:30 and then home at like 10 I am guessing.  I am not going to order a beer in hopes that I will be home before 9 and can still squeeze in my workout... but it looks doubtful :(

Pictures soon to post.  I weighted myself this morning, 123.4... not so bad... right where I want to be, in between 120 and 125.  Any more/less is undesirable for me.

More later.

Thursday, December 15, 2011

Work, work, make it work!

Company christmas party tonight, home for a quick workout, shower and off to the festivities!  Brought lots of good food to keep me energized :)

Wednesday, December 14, 2011

Day 2 of 3x7

I will track my progress... getting tired of my normal routine.  Hope to see quick results with 3x7.  3 days a week of lifting, here is the twist... 7 normal reps, 7 reps bottom to half point of the move and last 7 sets, half point to top of move.  Sounds simple enough.... but it is intense.  Best and most interesting workout I have tried yet.  The other 3 days include a normal weight lifting workout.  I used to be alllll about the cardio, but after reading rebecca Macs story, I decided to try something new!  10-20 min cardio before each workout, and really focus on strength and muscle conditioning.  I have always been pretty small, but something she said stuck swith me... SKINNY FAT.  Small, yet not very toned.  So here. We. Go!  Get fit, stay fit!

Monday, December 12, 2011

Get Fit, Stay Fit..

I now have a blog for everything.  I will track my nutrition and workouts here, and see if i  am actually making any progress.  What works for me, what doesn't.... Coincide with Don't Deviate December on FB.

Day 1:
Not the best, ate Quiznos for lunch, and strawberries for a snack.  Also had a red bull, which I HAVEN:T drank since 2007 when I turned 21 and Vodka redbull was my drink of choice.  I usually make healthy decisions, and work out regularly... but it is so easy to make excuses.  "That time of the month", my boyfriend wanted to take me out to dinner, I am tired, its football Sunday... there is only one excuse... don't be fat ass... even if you are naturally thin, you can still be a fatass.  Explains why I ate 3 brownies this weekend, I have an inner fat girl that would rather sit and sleep on the couch, drinking beer and eating chips than go for a jog, or even lift for 30 min.  Is 30 minutes really going to kill anyone???

I have lots of animosity towards myself that has been built up since college.  I was in the best shape of my life in college... and that is a great accomplishment, usually people gain tons of weight in college, I was fortunate enough to get on the health and fitness train.

Time to find the train again, and stay on it this time.  Get fit, and STAY fit!
