There is such a misconception about how to burn fat. "I run everyday, why am I not losing weight"? Or, "I lift for an hour everyday, why am I not burning fat?" If you are asking yourself these questions, you may need to ask yourself another one... When was the last time I switched up my routine? When was the last time I tried something new?
It is SO important to keep our bodies challenged. Just like we as people get complacent in our jobs, or with our style, or even with the city we live in, our BODIES get complacent with the workouts we endure.
Change things up! If you do not like the results you are getting, do you REALLY think quitting is the answer... Well, if you think it is... good luck achieving your goal weight, body fat, physique, etc.
Eating well, cardio workouts, and weight training go together like like a s'more! (without all the calories that is).
When you eat well (balance of proteins, veggies, fruits, carbs, low sugar, low sodium, those 8 glasses of water per day) you naturally feel better. If you aren't putting fat into your body, then there is no fat to store! Simple, right?????
So, eating well is the graham crackers. Eating right will hold your s'more together.
Cardiovascular activity is your chocolate. You can do it in small amounts, and see huge benefits. You only need a little chocolate on a s'more to go a loong way!
Now, the marshmallow! Who doesn't love that marshmallow. You get to roast it in the fire, and plop it down right in the middle of your sandwich?
Weight training is your marshmallow. It fills up your sandwich! The glue that holds this messy goodness together! Why would you leave out the marshmallow???
Here is why: Yes, it may take a little longer to prepare, and there are many ways you can poke, roast, BURN, and eat your marshmallow... just like there are SO many ways to weight train. You can lift light weight with many reps, you can go heavy with less reps... the choice is ultimately up to you and what is best for your goals.
This article emphasizes the importance of lifting heavy for those who want to build muscle and burn more fat. There is not ONE exercise you can do that will bundle all of this into one. Again, this goes back to complacency. If WE get complacent in our workouts we are telling our bodies, it is OK to just go about the motions and not push to that next level.
We all have our own styles and our own opinions, workouts do not have to be cookie cutter, but you might as well get the most out of your gym time.
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